Aceitunas Torrent recognised as brand with high international potential

We are very glad to be the first company in the table olive industry to join MAPI (Marcas de Alta Potencial Internacional) an exclusive club formed of brands with high international potential. This group was created by the Leading Brands of Spain Forum to support companies who have the greatest potential to succeed abroad. The MAPI seal certifies Aceitunas Torrent as one of the most dynamic and competitive Spanish companies, as well as recognising its potential to grow internationally. MAPI Club members can benefit from access to the projects and initiatives of the Leading Brands of Spain Forum, and form partnerships with other members. The admission of Aceitunas Torrent to this prestigious club is due to its wide-ranging experience in international markets, as well as its ability to successfully execute new projects. A noteworthy case in the portfolio of projects carried out by Aceitunas Torrent was undoubtedly the recent launch of Oliva Clan, its brand-new range of aromatised pitted olives aimed specifically at children. Oliva Clan is one of the healthiest snack options for children aged four to twelve. The product comes packaged in an inventive, fun and convenient vacuum-packed can, which is liquid-free and easy to open, making it a convenient and safe option for children. It is a true revolution in the pitted olive sector with its unique aromas and eye-catching branding. Blanca Torrent, CEO of Aceitunas Torrent, underlined the importance of the company’s admission to the MAPI Club: “We are very proud to be part of a group such as the MAPI Club. For us, this is an acknowledgment of the work that we have carried out for over 120 years. To be an ambassador for Spanish brands is a huge responsibility and motivates us to continue to invest in innovation and grow internationally”.  Pablo López Gil, General Manager of the Leading Brands of Spain Forum added, “We are very excited to welcome Aceitunas Torrent to the MAPI Club. It is a company with a illustrious 120-year history that develops strong brands and enjoys great international prestige”.

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